2020 Kitchen Design, COVID-19, What To DO?

2020 Kitchen Design in a Time of Uncertainty Amid COVID-19. What to Do?

The COVID-19 issue is really something. It's got us all in a tailspin. My old stompimg ground of NYC has gotten hit hard. I understand the shutdown there. Here in the Boulder CO area, we need to do our due diligence but we also need to stay calm. We must be very careful around our elderly and comprimised loved ones that's true. 

How does this affect the kitchen design industry and other like services? There has been a definite slowdown. People are afraid to order cabinets even though they will show-up in 6-7 weeks when it's much warmer and hopefully our state will be coming back to life. That reaction is expected but suprisingly we are seeing a small growth of another type of customer springing up! Homeowners who have had to cancel a trip or have family visiting for the Spring. Many of those people are thinking about remodeling, sprucing up their biggest investment with a coat of paint, a garage overhall and yes, even new kitchen! Its been a great time for remodeling projects since we can only go to grocery stores or our local hardware establishments since they've been deemed 'essential'. That's important because fixing up our homes is a great stress reliever. 

Max and I at Accent Kitchen are giving those remodeling types a 40% discount on our custom cabinet line. It's the least we can do to help out those homeowners forging ahead with redoing their kitchens at this time. We will continue that offer until May 15th when we believe there may be a stampede in our industry and it will be back to busy business as usual. We hope that you all weather this storm with fortitute and caring for those most in need.

Lisa B. / President / Shareholder


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