Kitchen Design Trends 2018 according to Max

Is it possible that we are seeing the slow change from white and grey to something slightly warmer? I recently read an article that said the big move in cabinet color toward warmth is the color Sand. Sand I guess is a brownish grey and still fairly nondescript. There are some dark blues coming out that look pretty jazzy. We'll be getting some blue for our showroom.  Here is a Pinterest page I did about blue cabinets:

Cabinet doors I've seen a move out of the strait shaker to slightly decorative edge on the inside of the rail. Raised panel door are still avoided like the plague. It's weird that raised panel doors are harder to make, but cost less because nobody wants them. Slab doors for the ultra modern look are coming in more and more especially with the younger crowd. Simplicity in color and door style is without a doubt a trend that will stick for awhile. 

Don't be afraid to buck the trend in a house you intend to stay in. My recent remodel on my house is as far from grey as possible with reds, yellows, oranges, and blues, and I love it.                Back to article list

Nice Blue Kitchen Cabs


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